Is Cartoon Network Propaganda?
Your children are being exposed to radical leftist ideology through Cartoon Network shows.
I’m an 80s kid. I could argue that it was one of the best times for cartoons ever — from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Thundercats and Dungeons and Dragons after school afternoons were very fun.
Granted we still had to plan to be on the TV at a specific time to get the show’s start but no one minded.
As I grew up cable was introduced and with it came the best network of them all — Cartoon Network
I don’t remember exactly when I started watching it, but I do remember The Centurions, Johnny Bravo and the Powerpuff Girls… I watched them all and every new franchise was an incredible event.
I also don’t quite remember when I stopped watching Cartoon Network in favor of ER, Buffy and the Simpsons… there was a time between College and work that I didn’t really watch much.
Fast-forward to 2020 and here I am back watching cartoons with my kids — and there are some really good ones.
But differently than in the 90s, when content had limited distribution, our kids today are overwhelmed.
My kids are not yet on social media nor can they watch Youtube unsupervised and I intend to keep it that way for a long time — this is enough discussion for another episode -
Point being — like with all other episodes that you shall have listened to — it has come to a point now where we even have to keep an eye on what the cartoons are pushing to our kids — and I’ll tell you, it’s not good
Play Steven Universe PSA
This was a clip from a cartoon called Steven Universe.
In this show, the characters are called GEMS and they are depicted as genderless. There are episodes where they change from male to female and sometimes the GEMS come together to form other beings.
In this specific clip Cartoon Network opens the video saying it is a
“ Public Service Announcement”
and the voices you hear that want to get married are from 2 boys -one black one white — and they look about 10.
At the end of the clip there’s flashy lettering saying:
“Don’t deny it — Defy it — Be anti-racist”
Let’s take a moment to unwrap all of this.
First, what is a PSA?
According to Mirriam-Webster — a woke dictionary — the term means
“an announcement made for the good of the public”
Wikipedia — also woke — says
“message in the public interest disseminated without charge, with the objective of raising awareness of, and changing public attitudes and behavior towards, a social issue”
Did you get this last part? Changing behavior?
Another definition says PSAs are
“A public service announcement (PSA) is an advertisement that a television or radio station airs for a cause or a charity. A PSA can tout the importance of medical check-ups for children or ask you to donate money to the Salvation Army’s bell ringers.”
If we wrap all of these up we can sum up 2 things:
PSAs are distributed for free and not traded as a commercial or ads
AND — here’s the important one
They are ARBITRARY — arbitrary in the sense that the message they convey can come from anywhere for any reason.
Traditionally PSAs have come from Government agencies or science-based organizations that pushed things such as awareness about breast-cancer check-ups or how to prevent forest fires.
These were distributed through TV.
He-man and She-ra even had one of their own telling kids to speak up if they were “touched” inappropriately.
Because of the massive and fragmented distribution channels available today, messaging of any kind has a far-reaching audience that can be specifically targeted not only by their demographic, but also by the content they consume, and if you are a social media even your children — you are targeted like that.
So, if PSAs can be distributed for any reason for any specific audience, what’s to say they are worthy or morally correct?
The answer is we can’t.
And here’s the game plan from the progressive left that wants to pervert the western worldview of family and individual responsibility — we have to give credit for their tactics:
Every “cause” and “social issue” is depicted in a way that forces you to agree with them — example:
Black Lives Matter — the Marxist organization that have caused more death and destruction that the supposed cause they are fighting against -
Would anyone say no to the phrase black lives matter? Of course not… why? Because all lives matter.
What happened to people who said all lives matter? They were mobbed by the radicals and called racists and bigots. They were canceled and trolled.
You see — this is what you have to understand — the mainstream media is radical and progressive.
They suppress and spin narratives to go with the progressive left ideals. Go back to episode 4 to see how the media fabricated the BLM story just as an example.
Same with Donald Trump. Before running for office he was hailed by pop culture, appearing in music videos and magazine covers.
Once he became a runner-up with the possibility of destabilizing the Democrat’s power plans he became a bigot overnight — sexual predator and xenophobe.
The mainstream media and Hollywood share this world view. They are the biggest drivers of culture and public opinion.
As such, there has been an incentive scheme created to reward those who regurgitate the progressive left propaganda and to shun and destroy those who dare question it.
Again, go back to some of the other episodes to see what happens to normal everyday people who dare to say the truth — not the left’s truth — they lose their jobs and are shamed on social media.
IF you are skeptical about this or want some instant gratification, I’ll play here a segment from Skynews — it’s 3 minutes long — I think you should listen to the whole thing, but if you can also skip ahead 3min.
Play Levin TV SKynews Clip
If you understood even on a high level how the incentives structure work you would infer — properly — that left-leaning progressive agenda will be distributed on-mass and their creator will be rewarded with awards and positive media coverage.
The merits of their message won’t be questioned because that would be heresy.
If J.K. Rowling pitched the Harry Potter novel today, it would not have made it to the print.
The content establishment for our kids is so afraid of the radical mob, that its content strategy has taken a turn for the worse in the past years to appease radical activists.
This brings us to point #2
When, in anyone’s right mind, should there be a kids cartoon depicting ANY 10 year old, talking about marriage?
And by ANY I mean of any race, of any gender in any place for any reason?
There isn’t.
What is happening here is the epitome of wokism — the push for propaganda-style ideals based on far-left identity politics that makes you and your kids feel bad by questioning the merit of the message.
I’ll explain
If this was a boy and a girl talking about marriage and a parent came and said that kids should not be worrying about that now, I bet all of us would be on board.
I have never seen anything like this ever in my life, especially in cartoon form.
The first twist here is that there are now 2 boys talking about marriage — and if you dare think that it is not ok for a cartoon network to bring sexuality choices for 10-year-olds — you would be correct — but you would also be shunned and destroyed and called an intolerant bigot.
But wait a second — do 10-year-olds even have the moral maturity to make judgment of this kind?
Can children or even teenagers be left to decide on subjects that are extremely and deeply personal, with huge life ramifications, in one of the most convoluted times of their lives?
They cannot drive — they cannot vote — they cannot have bank accounts or even travel on their own without consent — so why is it now a good idea to bring these things up?
Well we need to stop RACISM… right?
Here’s the genius of the radical progressives — they are able to bundle so may things up that viewers get lost.
So number 1 is the underlying marriage narrative — which should not be there.
Number two is the gay angle — which is sexualizing children and making it as an important subject to impose — which is not.
And Thirdly there is the race card — where one kid is white and the other black.
In the clip, the kid who says they can’t marry because they are of different skin colors is also white — inferring that only whites can be racist — and that is completely false as we have seen with so many black supremacists on Youtube and Twitter today and as a general world observation.
It’s incredible how this cartoon network clip follows the identity politics theory by the book.
In identity politics your individuality and character are meaningless.
In identity politics, you are assigned to a group and that group will tell us your worth.
You can be part of several groups at once and the more perceived as oppressed they are, the bigger your worth will be.
But wait a second, you may ask, who has come up with these groups and what are they based on, and who has assigned them their order of oppression?
The answer is simple and chilling.
Back in the 1800s, a man that had never worked in his life was the 5th pick of another man that was very rich to write about how to create a dystopian society where everyone was equal.
The main tool to reach such an end was to divide society by economic class and pit them against each other in a constant revolution.
Because they had an economic angle, all things capitalist had to be destroyed — even though they based their entire theory on wealth.
Their ideology fell flat at the time and never really took off.
Funny enough, after decades of capitalism, the world has created enough wealth that a significant part of the population can survive very well with minimum work and lots of government help.
The radical left had to adapt the communist tactics to perpetuate the class struggle to create fake moral authority and thus justify its fight for power and ultimately money.
Modern-day progressives have moved away from the economical point of view in favor of a radical favorite — RACE.
Because of the gift of identity politics from western academia, they can easily marry the two for a super-powerful guilt-inducing narrative, crammed into the public.
So finally you understand why the black kid plays the victim card.
Through this ideology, blacks and only blacks are oppressed.
This is the first group.
Not only is this black kid oppressed by a white, he is also gay!
Now he’’s part of two groups!
And he could also be Muslim or identify as non-binary — which would give him even more power!
My dear listeners,
Parents and educators
Grandmas and grandpas, I know this must be mind boggling and I don’t blame you.
Here’s what you have to understand. 3 seconds to make sure you turn this down and cover the kids years.
Every Social justice organization out there is looking for one thing and one thing only — POWER
The way to get there is to amass enough useful idiots to push your activism and voila, you have a monstrous organization, that is not a charity, that has no accountability to its donors that in 2020 alone has made north of U$200,000,000 in donations.
And I am of course talking about BLM.
But make no mistake, BLM is just one of them. Documents actually show that almost 50% of this money is not claimed by the BLM company and are funneled to other donation management companies that end up primarily in Democrats campaign funding.
So why would cartoon network engage in such ideology?
For the same reason Apple, Amazon, video game companies, Hollywood and every other corporation have — They want to be rewarded for their virtue of supporting a social justice cause.
The mainstream and social media will never question the motives or efficacy? They didn’t when the NBA put the name of criminals in their jerseys. They certainly wouldn’t for any other reason.
You see, this is where it comes full circle.
Mainstream media and social media are run by guilt-induced useful idiots under the influence of very powerful business moguls.
They love the radical activists that spend all day on Twitter trolling and defaming, all the while sharing and promoting the most preposterous ideas
- such as to give hormone inhibitors to all children
- or how it’s homophobic to have a baby shower — because you are imposing an assigned gender on a child
Believe it or not, these are actual things being circulated on social media now
So we come back to the initial point — who has picked these arbitrary characteristics of race and gender t and have made them front and center?
Radicals have. And the left and the media have softened the narrative so ordinary people could get on board with it and be ridden of guilt if they hadn’t.
It’s actually very scary, because during the 1930s Nazi Germany started a media campaign against Jews.
You see Jews were not exterminated by the millions overnight.
There was a constant and coordinated propaganda machine working to defame, criminalize and ultimately destroy Jews that took years to accomplish. The public was slowly nudged into believing that Jews were the reason for all the worlds evil.
So radicals know that race is a very powerful card to play, especially if you coat it with slavery and then turn the tables of history to fit the narrative — such as the NY Times funded 1619 project.
Or — here we go again — another PSA from Cartoon Network stating that the education system is systemic racist.
Using Steven Universe, again one of the characters say that history books routinely leave out the contributions of black people, prioritizing the accomplishments of white people instead.
Play PSA CN systemic racism
This from the Daily Wire website:
LiveScience noted the history of Edison and Latimer: “Several months after the 1879 patent was granted, Edison and his team discovered that a carbonized bamboo filament could burn for more than 1,200 hours. Bamboo was used for the filaments in Edison’s bulbs until it began to be replaced by longer-lasting materials in the 1880s and early 1900s. In 1882, Lewis Howard Latimer, one of Edison’s researchers, patented a more efficient way of manufacturing carbon filaments.”
So if America was so racist, would it be possible that Latimer had patented his invention? Surely awarding him revenue from his invention?
And was it he that invented the light bulb? Not really…
The character then asks if we are not going to talk about the WHY of the invention.
You see, in her view, the reason for him inventing it was to provide a better standard of living for recently freed slaves — ONLY.
Here’s the race card again
Thomas Edison — old white straight dude has no moral authority and no worth of his own.
He could never ever be inventing something for the betterment of EVERYONE
Only this oppressed black man, son of slaves, could be the worthy one to come up with such an invention.
This dammed clip goes all in the revisionist history the radical left wants to push and has been able to in many places, with the 1619 project’s framework which says the US was created out of racism and the need to perpetuate white supremacy.
But you see, even THE VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer released a PSA of his own educating “white Christians” about systemic racism.
We are at a point now that any traditional value is being targeted by radical progressives that want to upend the conservation of morals and institutions to amass power.
Lastly, the character on the first clip shuns the boy by telling him that it’s not just because he’s never seen it that racism is not real and that he HAS TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT to be anti-racist.
Do you know what this really means? Here’s another way of saying it:
if you don’t repeat my exact words you are racist.
A few months ago, BLM and Antifa protestors swarmed ordinary people having a meal on restaurant patios and mobbed them demanding they raised their fists in obedience to BLM. They were screamed at and surrounded by a gigantic mass of angry white kids.
The accusation by the character in the clip is the exact same thing: If you don’t bend the knee and apologize you are racist kid!
Tell me — which 10-year old who watches this garbage would not feel bad of being yelled at by their cartoon character?
There aren’t any, this is why this kind of propaganda is so effective.
So what exactly is propaganda?
The dictionary definition is:
“information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.”
I don’t like much using wikipedia but for this it sums it up very well
“Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts in order to encourage a particular synthesis or perception…”
My dear listeners… What is going on today is not social justice.
Social justice is not justice
What’s going on here is PROPAGANDA aimed at brainwashing your children, who have not yet developed their critical thinking skills.
What the Cartoon Network is doing is abhorrent.
It’s disgusting to a point of sickness.
Using communist propaganda on unsuspecting children — you are a fucking disgrace.
So what’s the solution here?
The same as always.
It takes work, but we HAVE TO KNOW what our kids are being fed.
Especially if they are free to watch Youtube unsupervised.
I urge you as a parent, educator, or even older sibling… to bring this up on the dinner table. You have to spread this and protect our kids.
Don’t be afraid to question the motives and the merits. All of their premises are fabricated.
If Cartoon Network was really worried about racism they would make a PSA denouncing the MILLIONS of black lives being taken from the womb.
Why don’t we start there?
Sorry, but this episode has really made me upset.
Thank you for listening, and let me know what you want to talk about next.